5 Beautiful Stars!!In that place of us, Liv and Dean, love has its own poetry and language. Allure, quatrefoil, fleur-de-lis. Right here. PR9199.3 R5115 Y68. My white knight. I’m yours. Give me a kiss. Pie love you. I remember. Professor. Beauty.Considering how much I loved Arouse, I had very high expectations for this book. And I am happy to say that this book did not disappoint. I never thought I could fall more in love with Dean and Liv's story but I did. This book delivered on all points--great main characters, steam, angst and of course, just overall enjoyment and then some. Nina Lane, in my opinion, outdid herself in this book. It was raw, real, emotional, gripping, beautiful, tragic, heartbreaking. Some things hit too close to home, which is probably one of the reasons I loved it since I was able to really connect with it on a very personal level. Our relationship, our love, cannot and will never be perfect. It will, however, always belong only to us in all its flawed, intense beauty. Perfect in its very imperfection.Allure starts off hot. Real hot with Dean and Liv going at it in a coat closet. We knew that they separated briefly for three weeks and they are just getting back together and feeling each other out. You can feel the underlying tension between them, sexual or otherwise. Liv is pregnant and Dean is on the cusp of a career breakthrough but their new found togetherness is tested when Dean had to go back home to California for a family emergency and an accusation at work threatens Dean's career. The Main Characters and the Story...I've lost count how many times this guy had me melting. Dean West, gawd, there are no words to describe how wonderful he is in this book. He had me swooning from the first page until the last. And seriously, every time he calls Liv, Beauty, I melt. His love for Liv is so palpable and so fierce, it jumps off the page. He's overprotective but somehow I get his reasons for it. Liv, I love her as much I love Dean. They're perfect for each other really. In the first book, her insecurities are almost too painful too read but here, she's definitely coming to her own as a woman, as a wife and more importantly as an equal partner to Dean. And I cannot wait for book three because I feel like Liv is going to seriously kick ass--or more accurately, kick someone's ass in that book. Yes, I'm talking about you Maggie. Both characters are flawed, both with their own insecurities and fears but Dean and Liv are two of the strongest characters I've come across in a while. They have their moment of suspicion and doubt but all married spouses go through this at one point or another. This is one of the reasons why I love this book. It depicts very real situations and emotions married couples go through. My heart broke for them when Liv miscarried the baby. and it didn't feel contrived. I already had a sinking suspicion that it will happen but when it did, I seriously cried with them and was rooting for them to have that baby but I guess it wasn't meant to be yet.This review would not be complete without mentioning the writing on this book. Let me tell you, the writing is phenomenal. I loved how Nina Lane was able to seamlessly switch from Dean's POV to Liv with the flashbacks. And the prose is just beautiful. I know. I sound like a broken record but it is what it is. Beautiful.Final ThoughtsI cannot wait for Awaken to be release. I know something big is going to happen with the Maggie situation. I fear for Dean and Liv but I also cannot wait for them to face this together. Someone needs to seriously kick Maggie's ass. Seriously, the girl just pissed me off! I praying for some comeuppance coming her way in the third book. What she did with Liv in the first book and then Dean here is just unforgivable. Grr!I'll end this review with some of my favorite quotes from the book...“Girlfriend.” I rested my forehead against his chest. “I guess.” “Not the best word, but it’ll do in public.” He kissed my temple. “In private, you can just be my beauty.”“You don’t need anyone to fix you, Olivia, least of all me.” Dean pulled me closer, his eyes never leaving mine. “Because you’re not broken.”“Thanks for waiting,” I whispered. “My beauty,” he said, “I’d wait for you forever.”He nodded. “And you told me you didn’t have a key.” “I think I do.” “What is it?” “You.”“I was so glad you asked me.” I rub my hand over his leg. “I had a big crush on you.” “I know.” I raise an eyebrow. “You know?” “Why else would you knock the other girls aside whenever I walked in?” Dean looks rather pleased with himself. My mouth drops open. A flush scorches my cheeks. “I did not knock the—”“You sure did. And you think I didn’t notice the chocolates or the extra cookie you’d put on my plate? Or the time you gave me a box of shortbread and told me it was a free sample?”“No doubt about it, beauty.” I press my face against her sweet-smelling hair. “You’ll always be my allure.”“Feel that?” he asked. “You’re the first woman who’s ever made my heart beat like that. You’re the first woman I’ve ever wanted to spend all my time with, the only one who could convince me to start a new life. You’re the first woman who’s ever made me genuinely happy. Who makes me glad to be alive, who makes me burn hotter than fire. You’re the first woman who’s ever made me afraid.”“You know I’m not much of a romantic.” He looks at me. “But that semester, even I had to admit it was more than just a coincidence.” “What was?”“The fact that I was studying the perfect harmony of the stars and planets at the exact same time I was falling in love with you.”Ever After Romance Book Blog