4 stars!I'm really loving Entangled's new Brazen line. This one is another hot and steamy read from Brazen. Rules of Entanglement follows the story of Lucie's big brother Jackson "Jax" Maris and Vanessa "Nessie" McGregor. Nessie is a stickler for the rules. In fact, she has her own "Lucky 7" rules to live by, which she had followed to the letter until Jax that is. Jax is an MMA fighter. Laid-back, charming and not a rules kind of guy. And being the kind of guy that he is, all he wanted to do the moment he met Vanessa was to make her break every rule that she has. The result was a fun, steamy and engaging ride with two very likebale characters, add in some witty banter that had me in stitches or just fanning my myself is what made Rules of Engagement a 4 star read for me.