Chasing Mrs. Right (Come Undone, #2)

Chasing Mrs. Right (Come Undone, #2) - Katee Robert We have all read that book where boy-meets-girl, fell in lust/love but the hero tries to keep the heroine at arms length because he has commitment issues right? Right. Well, this book has that same trope but only this time, it's the heroine, Roxanne, who has an issue with commitment. No, she's not flighty, nor does she hops from one bed to the next but she's just wary of men because past experiences taught her that they never stay for long. So she meets, Ian, who happened to be her best friend's brother (though she doesn't know it at first), had a one-night stand with him, felt the connection but as was her MO, she bolted. Ian, who has his own issues as well, has just returned from his second tour in Afghanistan a broken man. But he was taken enough with Roxanne and tried to make the "relationship" work. From what you might have gleaned from the title, it was actually Ian who did most of the chasing and Roxanne did most of the running away. The running away was mostly happening in her head though since despite her protests, she keeps ending up in his bed.Overall, I like the pacing of this book. There were plenty of smexy scenes and the chemistry between Ian and Roxanne was believable. My only comment is that Ian's issues with PTSD was never really explored. Sure they were mentioned and I felt that they were never fleshed out. It was mostly about Roxanne's inability to commit and her flitting from guy to guy because she wasn't into love, commitment and marriage, which was disappointing because Ian as a character had great potential. But it did work out in the end. I loved the big gesture that Roxanne did in order to prove her love for Ian. Although, the grand gesture didn't quite go as planned, which I thought was funny, it was a satisfying ending. I'm definitely looking forward to Nathan's book. Rating: 3 1/2 stars!!*ARC provided by Entangled Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.