Famously Engaged

Famously Engaged - Robyn  Thomas DNF at about 32%I have never DNF an ARC before but this book...Where do I even begin? Jake, who is a famous rockstar by the way, has a sister, Skyla, who is getting married to Brad. Brad used to be married to Beth. They are divorced but they still hang out together, like a lot and Brad still calls her everyday, still has keys to the house, and talks about how wonderful Beth is. Yeah, and they still put smileys and says love (insert heart symbol here) always in their texts!!And Skyla the fiancee is OKAY with it!! It's no biggie because Beth is really lovable and she would never ever want to get back with her ex because she's not in love with Brad anymore. According to Skyla it's okay for Brad to even give Beth a message and move in with her because Beth is just so wonderful. In fact, Beth is so wonderful that Skylar is letting Beth plan the whole wedding!!That's not even the main plot. The story actually is about Jake who wants to stop Brad from hanging out with Beth because of he is after all marrying his sister. So Jake came up with a brilliant plan! Give Beth her own fake fiance!! Yay! And the best part of the plan is he's going to play the fake fiance! *Sigh*At this point, I just couldn't go on anymore. Plus when Beth and Jake met, there was no chemistry whatsoever. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Zilch. I couldn't even muster even a small amount of sympathy for the characters. Jake sounds and acts like a jackass. Beth is supposed to be beautiful and smart but clearly she bought the whole, 'you won the lottery to be my fiancee' crap from Jake so that's pretty much a suspect. *smh*Sorry. But this was just a hot mess. ARC provided by Entangled Publishing via NetGalley.