Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street, #1.6)

Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street, #1.6) - Samantha Young Wow! This little novella is just perfect. It's sweet and sad at the same time. Seriously, I teared up once or twice while reading it. Ellie has been in love with Adam all her life but Adam being older brother Braden's best friend only sees her as Braden's little sister. But not for long.This novella focuses of Adam and Ellie's story. I loved Ellie in On Dublin Street, and unlike other characters who were wonderful in one book then completely changes when the spotlight is on them, Ellie remained consistent. She's even more adorable here. Not kidding. She's innocent, funny, sweet but she's also feisty, loyal and loving. Seriously, she's one of my favorite heroines now. Adam was a bit of a jerk in this book. He did some stupid things in this book that just makes me want to clobber him. He really did have his sweet and funny moments too, but boy, did he give a lot of mix signals to Ellie. Poor girl. Adam did redeem himself at the end but I wish the book was longer just so I could see Adam grovel a bit more.We see a lot of big brother Braden here, too and yup, he's still wonderful. We also see a bit of Joss and we get to see their relationship through Ellie's eyes. Kudos to Ms. Young for seamlessly telling the story of Adam and Ellie's past while still being anchored in the present. Lots of funny moments and sad ones, too but overall, a wonderful addition to the series. Thank you, Samantha Young for giving us Adam and Ellie's story. Also posted on Ever Afters Blog