Lush (Delicious Novel Series #2)

Lush - Lauren Dane 2 1/2 starsI was really excited to read this book. I mean, who wouldn't? A bad boy rocker and a feisty chef? Count me in! Bud sadly, after a few chapters, my excitement just fizzled out.There's actually nothing wrong with this book. But -- a big BUT here, there's also nothing spectacular about it. It was just okay. The characters were okay, the secondary characters were okay, everything and everyone was just okay. The plot had potential but it didn't really reach that *cough* climax *cough* that I was waiting for. The conflict wasn't really a conflict at all, it was just Mary being her contrary self. It was just too cliched, so it didn't really work for me.I would still recommend this book though. After all, the elements that didn't work for me might work for others. Personally though, this book just fell short. This review also appears here Ever After Romance Blog*ARC provided by Berkley Trade via NetGalley