I can probably count with one hand the paranormal books I've read since I learned how to read. To say that I'm not much of a fan of the genre is an understatement. But in keeping with a promise I made to myself to step out of my comfort zone this year, I finally picked this series up. Guess what? I am so, so glad I've decided to start this series. Slave to Sensation, the first book to Nalini Singh acclaimed Psy-Changeling series made a slave forever to Ms. Singh. Not kidding. I loved her style of writing. She seamlessly created this fantasy world filled with Psys, changelings and humans and made it easily understandable to someone as green as me. Another thing I like about her style is she doesn't bog you down with verbiage, which made for an easier read. Loved both Lucas and Sascha as characters. This might be paranormal but the emotions that these characters feel--love, lust, anger, loneliness--is something that I can relate to. Very tight dialogue and the characters were well developed. And Lucas--ahem, that man, er, animal was just scrumptious. The chemistry between him and Sascha is unbelievably hot. Yowza. Surprisingly, this book isn't too sexually graphic but still manage to be hot. And I mean, there were a lot of licking and the biting (rawr!), so still pretty hot in my opinion. I will definitely follow through with this series. There were already a couple of characters whose back-stories I find intriguing. Can't wait to read their own books. So this is definitely highly recommended for me. That is all. :)